Literacy Programs

Our community is stronger and the economy is enhanced when families have access to resources and higher literacy levels. A strong literacy foundation leads to more educational and employment opportunities giving way to lower poverty and chronic unemployment.

We offer a variety of programs for all ages and skill levels.

Our programs and services are designed to assist adults, children, and families to gain skills for literacy success.

Early Literacy

Kindergarten Readiness

Since 2001, Kindergarten Readiness is one of our most popular early literacy programs. The purpose is to increase the vocabulary level of at-risk children and to create the desire to learn. This project involves eight weeks of daily one-on-one volunteer interaction with selected Pre-K students.

Let’s Read Muscogee

During the month of March each year we highlight the importance of early literacy. This is kicked off in our community by celebrating Read Across America Day on March 2nd. Please view the calendar for additional event details.

Mayor’s Summer Reading Club

The Mayor’s Summer Reading Club is a program that promotes literacy skills and vocabulary enrichment in children ages birth through eight and their families in partnership with Georgia Early Education Alliance for Ready Students (GEEARS).

Family Literacy Programs

We collaborate with parents to develop thriving children through the power of literacy through parent training sessions, resource fairs, and community involvement. March 2023 we launched our Community Book Nooks to serve children, families, and individuals with free quality reading material.

Our Family Literacy programs include: The Basics, a class offered for all families to help improve literacy skills, Book Parades, in which we provide beautiful new books to at-risk children, Build Your Child’s Brain workshops, and Literacy Festivals, which are family focused events that are fun for all ages that occurs twice a year.

Adult Literacy Programs

Free basic adult literacy classes for under-educated adults to become more self-sufficient primarily through improving reading and math skills. This program also includes presentations and resources for financial literacy, healthy lifestyles, homeownership, and basic computer skills.

Our classes our offered Monday evenings from 6pm-8pm and Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9am to noon at our office. Click the link below to sign up or share the QR code with someone who is interested in our basic adult literacy services.

Recommended Tools for Parents

Here are some of the tools we recommend for parents in order to provide their children with the desire to learn.

Parent Powered


Give families impacted by trauma the extra layer of support they need and deserve, from birth to 12th Grade.

Parent Powered (Formerly Ready4K) Trauma-Informed provides a unique combination of protective factors-aligned messages, connections to concrete supports in time of need, family communications tools, and critical data.

Chattahoochee Valley Imagination Library

Formerly known as Ferst Readers, Chattahoochee Valley Imagination Library (CVIL) ensures children have developmentally appropriate books in their home and provide parents with resources that support them in their role as their child’s first teacher.

Children who participate in this literacy program receive a bookstore-quality, age-specific book, and resources mailed to them at home every month until their 5th birthday.

The Basics

The Basics Chattahoochee Valley is a regional, collaborative strategy led by United Way of the Chattahoochee Valley in collaboration with parents and partners across our community seeking to ensure that every child has a great start in life. The Basics are five fun evidence-based parenting and caregiving principles that can benefit children from all backgrounds.

It is inspired by the fact that 80% of brain growth happens in the first 3 years of life. During this period, skill gaps between socio-economic, racial, and ethnic groups become clearly apparent.

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